Friday, February 16, 2018


Relationships. defines a relationship as follows:

  • the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
  • the state of being connected by blood or marriage
  • the way in which two or more people or organizations regard and behave toward each other.
I was recently in a meeting where people were defining what was expected from different groups in the workplace. The first group addressed were the teachers. The moderator wanted to know what was the most important thing teachers could do to provide the best learning experience for their students.  It was unanimous! Teachers need to establish positive relationships with parents and children.  This was said to be essential because only then would both the child and the parent feel safe.  In order to learn, we must feel safe.  Brain research bears this out. When we don't feel safe we are always on guard and therefore unable to attend to what's being taught, presented or shown.  Everyone in the room agreed with this assessment.  Positive relationships were the most important thing teachers could do to make their classrooms productive and well managed. We then moved onto the next group.

This group was the staff in charge of the teaching staff.  The moderator asked what they could do for the teachers.  I couldn't help myself.  I have very strong opinions on this matter  I said that I thought the same applied to them with the teachers as it did for the teachers with the students and parents.  I said that the administrative staff needs to create a positive work environment for the teachers so that they feel safe and are able to pass that along to the students.  The administrators set the tone for the staff.  Teachers are "required" to provide positive feedback for students.  For example, three positive comments to every one negative comment.  I think it should be the same for the adults.  

Everyone needs to feel worthy and respected.  Positive feedback is one way that happens.  I am very fortunate that I have that with my administrators.  At this meeting, I was more of committee member than an employee.  The golden rule "Treat others the way you want to be treated," still holds in work situations.  People of all ages need to feel safe in order to prosper.  Adults need positive feedback as much as students and parents do. As we get older I think we forget that aspect of life.  We are all "grown up" now and don't need positive feedback.  We can "handle" it, we are adults.  I disagree, we all need respect and acknowledgment.  It is so important that all of us support one another.  As teachers, we need to support each other as well as our administrators.  Administrators need to remember to support their teachers and staff in the same way they expect the teachers to support and provide a positive environment for their students.  The same rules should apply all around.

Feeling safe and respected is so important for everyone involved.  When we work together and help bring each other up, we are helping ourselves.  Think about how good it feels to help someone.  Think about how good it feels for you to get a thank you or a smile from someone you didn't expect to smile or even acknowledge you.  It's the little things that make a workplace fun to go to.  There will always be conflicts and disagreements.  What we do to get over them and help each other smile is what makes a classroom, school, home, office, etc. a wonderful place you where you want to be.  A happy place that makes a job feel more like fun and provides a safe environment for learning.l.

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