I have to say that whenever I hear the words "It's just daycare", my blood pressure rises just a bit, actually, more than a little. So I took some time to think about why those words upset me. Many years ago daycares were simply babysitting services. They provided very little in the way of structured routines and basic, what we consider today, developmental learning opportunities. However, the more I reflected on today's daycares, the more I realized that they look very similar to what we have at Head Start. Most of the better daycares and preschools offer children good, sound developmental curriculum with loving environments where they can learn and thrive. They play and learn within healthy environments and are exposed to a wide variety of experiences so that when they do start school they are ready for a more academic venue.
That brings me to the next part of this “just daycare” issue. What separates Head Start from the others? Why Head Start, if we all offer good, high quality, developmentally appropriate activities for 3 and 4-year-olds? Well, at Head Start we offer these wonderful, exceptional opportunities to those children who cannot afford daycare or preschool. Head Start is income based. You have to qualify to get into our program. Our children come from homes with loving parents, grandparents, guardians, etc who cannot afford those other options. We also offer community services for those parents and caregivers. We reach out to the entire family, not just the children; offering to find services for them and help where it is needed.
Head Start reaches beyond the classroom and requires parent involvement, home visits, and open communication. We help the families find the things that they need to make their lives better. Not to mention, the special relationship that Navasota Head Start has with Navasota ISD. I work with our Pre-K teachers to make sure that our students are exposed to the information they need to give them the best beginning they can have when they start Pre-K in our district. I hear so many positive comments about our Head Start children those first few weeks of school; how they know how to walk in line, sit on the floor and know their colors, shapes and can write their names.
So, while some may consider us “just daycare”, please know that this is not a negative statement anymore. Daycare is not a bad thing, these days. A good daycare is a wonderful experience for your child. However, Navasota Head Start is all that and so much more!